I Will Never be The Pastor Again, Anywhere

I have been thinking for a long time about the legitimacy of the America’s pastorate—not the biblical pastoral office, mind you, but the American use of the pastorate. A church hires a “pastor” to lead or rule the church. Sometimes, the pastor that the local congregation “hires” is a hireling unfree to do ministry as... Continue Reading →

Reflections on Appointing Elders in the Local Church

On Sunday, May 30, 2021, we appointed Steve Faccio to the office of Elder at The Church at Sunsites. Ordination is an odd term that is not used in Scripture to refer to the appointment of elders (pastors) in a local church. Scripture does speak of appointing to office (Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5). Elders who... Continue Reading →

What is Complementarianism?

Beth Moore’s recent exit from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) over issues related to complementarianism has caused quite a few to ask what complementarianism is. I want to thank Mrs. Moore for making complementarianism a matter of interest. Moore’s exit from the SBC was unfortunate and seems to have mostly resulted from her own disdain... Continue Reading →

Universal Unity, a pipe dream

“At the end of our day in Philadelphia the parable of the two churches could not have been clearer: When leaders fearfully accommodate the culture- no life. When elders preach God’s Word and guard the sheep with love and truth- life. Faith-filled, God-fearing, Bible-loving, sin-hating, sinner-loving, cultural drift-resisting leaders were the key” (Elders in the... Continue Reading →

Is Congregationalism Biblical?

We have seen, over the past few weeks, that elder plurality is desirable in every local church. In fact, it is the Biblical model. We have seen that the Biblical responsibilities of the elders in the local church are to lead the church doctrinally, lead the church practically concerning church discipline and vision and direction,... Continue Reading →

Renewing the Vision for Christ-Centered Churches

There are really only two types of churches. One type of church is focussed on gaining and keeping people. Everything about the church in its design, atmosphere, ministries, programs, buildings, and budget is utilized to this end. The other type of church is focussed on following Christ and participating with Christ in His mission. Everything... Continue Reading →

Do churches need Overseers or Bishops? What does that even mean?

Last week, we saw the role of the church elders and what is seen as the basic responsibilities of one who holds the elder position in a church body. The responsibility of the elder is essentially one of doctrinal authority in service to the body. In Elders in the Life of the Church, the authors... Continue Reading →

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