The Apostle Peter’s Disqualifications

Peter is the first New Testament preacher we see doing the ministry of God’s word after Jesus’ public preaching ministry. Peter is the rock upon whom Christ is building His church  and Jesus told Peter that He was giving to Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:18-19). Peter is the chief apostle... Continue Reading →

The Type of Person Who Won’t Make It To Heaven, or wherever

Today, we will finish our current study of Christ’s “Sermon on the Mount.” Throughout His sermon, Jesus has contrasted between legalistic religion, or self-righteousness, and salvation by grace alone, or seeking first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. He has revealed the folly of works-based religion and of irreligion. He has stated clearly that people are... Continue Reading →

Six Wrong Teachings Jesus Addressed Explicitly

In the previous two sections of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has first addressed His sermon to the intended audience- those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (v. 6) and those who will experience the trials that they will experience because of Christ (v. 11). He is talking particularly with His disciples. In the... Continue Reading →

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