I’m Right and You’re Wrong!

When I was younger my brother and I would always argue. It didn’t matter what we were talking about; we found a way to make that conversation into an argument even if we agreed with one another. Either we just really liked arguing or we both wanted to be the one who was right. Because... Continue Reading →

Contemplating the Cosmos: A Universe in Harmony?

“…we live in an in-between universe, where things change, but according to patterns, rules, or, as we call them, laws of nature.”[1] I am amazed at the fact that there are certain governing authorities over my existence on this earth, this cosmic shoreline. I can walk along and gravity holds me to the ground. Still,... Continue Reading →

Preston Smith Invocation: why is it foolish to say there is no God?

            I stepped into the room, eager to take care of the city’s business. When I saw the name of the man giving the invocation on the agenda, I was quite surprised. The man was a known activist for the cause of atheism, and I wondered what business he had praying at a town meeting.... Continue Reading →

No One is Capable of Understanding

            Some time ago I very facetiously wrote a brief “philosophy of philosophy”[1] and, in the presented argument, suggested that doing philosophy meant nothing without God. My younger brother, Nolan, replied to my ‘argument’ and, I must say, he replied very well.[2] He came to the same conclusion, only changing the... Continue Reading →

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