Why can’t I be more like (insert name here)? (John 21:20-25)

Why do we define success according to the accomplishments of others? The human condition is such that we ask ourselves questions like: “Why am I not as popular as (insert name here)? I know I have more talent.” “Why didn’t I think of that, or have that idea first?” “That person is not a very... Continue Reading →

Contemplating the Cosmos: A Universe in Harmony?

“…we live in an in-between universe, where things change, but according to patterns, rules, or, as we call them, laws of nature.”[1] I am amazed at the fact that there are certain governing authorities over my existence on this earth, this cosmic shoreline. I can walk along and gravity holds me to the ground. Still,... Continue Reading →

Smith: Prophet of Relativism

            The bright young man approached the small brick house that he had inherited. “I do not like this building,” the man said, “but neither do I wish to sell it.” Firstly, the young man examined the cornerstone, which did so bear the name “Jesus Christ”. Then, he began to examine each brick that did... Continue Reading →

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