How to Grow the Church

As we continue through Jesus’s kingdom of Heaven parables, we see an interesting idea. We desire revival. We desire to see explosive growth regarding Christ’s kingdom. Jesus tells us how His kingdom grows, and it’s not what we expect from a human perspective. When we think about the next two parables, we will be prepared... Continue Reading →

Should Churches Participate In Formal Denominations?

Denominations within orthodox Christianity exist primarily because people disagree on the person and/or work of Jesus Christ. They don’t disagree about small things. Denominations make formal doctrinal statements concerning the authority of God in salvation and the responsibility of people. They make statements about the essential nature of the person and about whether salvation is... Continue Reading →

The Missionary, part 3: The Priority of Preaching and Reasoning

Acts 9:26-31 After this three-year period, Paul fled Damascus and went to Jerusalem where the apostles and some other disciples were. They did not accept him until Barnabas affirmed his conversion. Paul spoke out boldly in the name of Jesus, talking and arguing with the Hellenistic Jews. Paul was given such a heart that he... Continue Reading →

What Is Pastoral Care and Are There Bad Expectations in the Church?

As a part of this current leadership series, we want to address the idea of pastoral care for our own benefit, self-examination, and so that we can know what the Biblical responsibilities of a pastor are regarding pastoral care. I think the concept of pastoral care is often abused. Pastoral care in the church could... Continue Reading →

Should Churches Host Concerts (or any other events)?

We are continuing our leadership series exploring the place of different methodological components of the local church. In the first section, we explored the different components of the main church services or meeting times. In this section, we are considering the different components of the local church’s overall ministry method. I have seen churches do... Continue Reading →

Practicing Wisdom in the Specialized Ministries of the Church

We are continuing our leadership series exploring the place of different methodological components of the local church. In the first section, we explored the different components of the main church services or meeting times. In this section, we are considering the different components of the local church’s overall ministry method. In this section, we are... Continue Reading →

The Missionary, part 1: ruined in Damascus

Thanks to readers, friends, and family, we received the funding we needed to support our church in Liberia for another month and we are planning to plant a few more churches this year. In celebration, I am starting this new blog series, “The Missionary.” “The Missionary” will follow the steps of the Apostle Paul as... Continue Reading →

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