Daily Devotional: Romans 10:1-11

After writing about God’s work of predestination, Paul, still referring to Jews who were not predestined, shares his desire that they be saved. They have a zeal for God, but their zeal is without understanding. They are trying to establish their own righteousness instead of resting in God’s righteousness—something many religious people in every context... Continue Reading →

Looking For Religious (Worldview) Writers

We are looking for religious writers from every worldview (yes, even atheistic or naturalistic) to write for our new newsletter. You can be located anywhere in the world. We only need one writer from each religious/denominational/confessional viewpoint. The details can be seen below. The Iron Block will be a worldview comparison concerning various topics and... Continue Reading →

Does God Really Love Everyone?

Remember to submit your questions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or by using the contact page on this blog. On November 6, 2018, a report was published on the Global News blog, telling a story of a woman being relieved of her leadership responsibilities at a  church in Canada and being removed from membership because she... Continue Reading →

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