What is The Synagogue of Satan in Revelation?

Ask your questions on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or using the contact form on this blog. John addresses the second particular church in this discourse—the church in Smyrna. The church in Smyrna was experiencing persecution. This address follows the format of the first, excluding any indictment. Ephesus had left her first love; Smyrna has nothing... Continue Reading →

Tobit- Unrighteousness Masquerading as Righteousness

Tobit 12:1-10 Despite the fact that God has not been described as working through the entire narrative, Raphael privately instructs Tobit and Tobias to praise God for Him many works. In this, the archangel attributes Tobias’ mystic workings to God who hates mysticism (see notes on 8:1-3). Raphael goes on to prescribe how Tobit and... Continue Reading →

Tobit- False Humility

Tobit 10:7b-13 Tobias persuades Sarah’s parents to send them off so he can return home. They exchange blessings, and Sarah’s parents send them off with Sarah’s inheritance. Tobias praises God as sovereign because God has made his journey a success. This is an interesting praise. So far, the story has been very careful to describe... Continue Reading →

True Christianity is Something Different Than You Might Expect

I was going to start this lesson by stating that this section of Jesus’ sermon is the most important part! I feel like that each week with the passage we are learning. The truth is that every word, verse, passage, and section of Scripture is just as important and necessary as what came before and... Continue Reading →

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