An Easy Way to Discern False Teaching

The Pharisees and Sadducees asked for a sign from heaven, or a sign that the kingdom of heaven was truly at hand. They were asking for a sign of the end-times; Jesus, though He seemed to agree that the signs should accompany the coming of the kingdom, called them a wicked and adulterous generation because... Continue Reading →

Tobit- False Humility

Tobit 10:7b-13 Tobias persuades Sarah’s parents to send them off so he can return home. They exchange blessings, and Sarah’s parents send them off with Sarah’s inheritance. Tobias praises God as sovereign because God has made his journey a success. This is an interesting praise. So far, the story has been very careful to describe... Continue Reading →

Do You Wear Pressed Clothes Over Rotting Flesh?

Jesus is sending His apostles (missionaries) on their first short-term mission trip. He finishes His instruction in the final portion of Matthew 10. In this portion of Christ’s instruction, He warns His apostles about the world’s state of affairs and the nature of preaching the true Gospel in such a world. Though the explicit context... Continue Reading →

There is Only One Way to Heaven, and Most People Never See It

During the course of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has debunked legalism, or works-based religion, and has promised His disciples that those who ask for the kingdom will receive it by grace alone. Around the world, there are many ways we are told that we can get into the kingdom of heaven, find peace... Continue Reading →

Church(ish)- New Book Now Available!   The story is too familiar. You visit a church and everyone is nice, but no one seems to truly care. The people wear masks of righteousness only to, after you have committed yourself, remove those masks to reveal the face of a horrid witch-like creature. Or, perhaps, a different mask is worn: a... Continue Reading →

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