Daily Devotional: Exodus 12:14-22

God not only instructs Israel concerning the first Passover in Egypt; He also institutes a week-long festival to commemorate their exodus and freedom. They are coming out of the land of Egypt, so, symbolically, they are to abstain from all leaven–eating only unleavened bread. During the week-long festival, the Israelites are to have holy assemblies... Continue Reading →

Melchizedek: Prophet, Priest, and King

Genesis, the story of beginnings, revolves around several key events leading up to the founding of Israel as a people with a national identity.  Creation Fall Flood Babel Calling of Abraham (Abram) Births of Isaac and Jacob Inception of the Twelve Israelite Tribes Flight to Egypt Even though I have so far taken 19 parts... Continue Reading →

John Eats a Little Book

The sixth trumpet has sounded, symbolizing the final death and judgment of those who reject the testimony about Jesus Christ. Before the seventh trumpet is blasted, there is a second interlude. The first interlude (Chapter 7), John described the conquering work of Jesus Christ prior to His work of judgment. In this interlude, John describes... Continue Reading →

Which Millennial View Best Corresponds With Reality?

Ask your questions on Facebook, Instragram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, or on this blog. As we have been studying the book of Revelation on Sunday afternoons at The Church at Sunsites, the text seems to indicate that Jesus is currently conquering the world, and the world is currently being renewed. The New Jerusalem is currently coming... Continue Reading →

Response to “Jesus is Loving Barabbas – Judah Smith Sermon Jam”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwX_EpNR4CA I keep seeing this video and I guess with this being Holy Week, videos like this one will be popular. I wasn't sure why at first, but this video just doesn't sit well with me. I'm sure Judah Smith (the lead pastor of the City Church network in WA) is a good guy, but... Continue Reading →

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