Against Human Religion

Jesus is in a conversation with the chief priests and elders who challenged his authority. He tells his second parable against them. Matthew 21:33-46 “Listen to another parable. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard and put a wall around it and dug a wine press in it, and built a tower, and... Continue Reading →

What If The Democrat and LGBTQ Enter the Kingdom Before You?

It is Fig Monday, and Jesus has been challenged by the chief priests and elders. They asked by what authority He did and taught the things He did. He did not tell them. Jesus now tells His critics three parables about them. Here is the first. Matthew 21:28-32 “But what do you think? A... Continue Reading →

Cursed Trees and Cast Mountains

On Sunday, Jesus went into Jerusalem and cleansed the temple—tossing the tables of those who sold sacrifices and changed money, making the temple a market rather than a house of prayer for all nations. He spent the night in Bethany and now, Monday, travels back to Jerusalem. Matthew 21:18-22 Now in the morning, when... Continue Reading →

It’s All About the Temple

Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and her colt. He rides up to the temple and enters. The crowds called Him the son of David, the rightful heir to David’s throne. David is known for reforming the nation of Israel concerning her religious practices (cf. 1 Chronicles 15ff). Jesus, who fulfilled David’s typological reign,... Continue Reading →

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