The Type of Person Who Won’t Make It To Heaven, or wherever

Today, we will finish our current study of Christ’s “Sermon on the Mount.” Throughout His sermon, Jesus has contrasted between legalistic religion, or self-righteousness, and salvation by grace alone, or seeking first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. He has revealed the folly of works-based religion and of irreligion. He has stated clearly that people are... Continue Reading →

There is Only One Way to Heaven, and Most People Never See It

During the course of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has debunked legalism, or works-based religion, and has promised His disciples that those who ask for the kingdom will receive it by grace alone. Around the world, there are many ways we are told that we can get into the kingdom of heaven, find peace... Continue Reading →

According to Jesus, The Kingdom of Heaven is a Gift- Not The Result of Human Religion or Righteousness

We have finished our current study of the previous section of Jesus’ sermon on the mount and are entering into Jesus’ closing application and final remarks. This section of Jesus’ sermon (7:7-29) follows the same overarching theme of the previous part of the sermon. Jesus has: addressed his intended audience (5:1-12),declared His commitment to... Continue Reading →

No, You Don’t Have to Measure Up

In the previous section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5), we saw that Jesus addressed six popular teachings that were contrary to the actual message of the Old Testament after committing verbally to remaining faithful to the Old Testament Scriptures. The major way in which the Old Testament was misused, according to Jesus’... Continue Reading →

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