DAily Devotional: 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13

Paul spends another chapter telling the Thessalonians how thankful to God he is for them. Since he could not make it to Thessalonica, he sent Timothy. He feared that Satan tempted them and rendered his own gospel work in vain, but Timothy reported the success of the gospel in their lives. Paul was worried for... Continue Reading →

Why can’t I be more like (insert name here)? (John 21:20-25)

Why do we define success according to the accomplishments of others? The human condition is such that we ask ourselves questions like: “Why am I not as popular as (insert name here)? I know I have more talent.” “Why didn’t I think of that, or have that idea first?” “That person is not a very... Continue Reading →

Is Morality Important Anyway? (Romans 8:12-17)

            Is morality important for the Christian? Is it important for humanity in general? Across the planet, people measure morality by different standards and accept different actions as morally right or wrong. For instance, I have spoken to Californians and New Yorkers who see the ownership of firearms as morally questionable... Continue Reading →

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