Seeing the Kingdom of Heaven

Have you ever seen God? Some of you will answer by telling me how you see God working or how you see God in nature or people. Those things are not God Himself. I will venture to guess that you have never seen God. Yet, we believe He is. A vast majority of people on... Continue Reading →

Melchizedek: Prophet, Priest, and King

Genesis, the story of beginnings, revolves around several key events leading up to the founding of Israel as a people with a national identity.  Creation Fall Flood Babel Calling of Abraham (Abram) Births of Isaac and Jacob Inception of the Twelve Israelite Tribes Flight to Egypt Even though I have so far taken 19 parts... Continue Reading →

Do You Have Peace With God?

After recording the genealogy of Jesus of Nazareth, Matthew tells the story of Jesus’ birth and childhood by expositing the Old Testament text. This section in our current study of Matthew’s Gospel begins in Matthew 1:18 and ends in Matthew 2:23. This section of the text includes the geographical prophecies of the Old Testament and... Continue Reading →

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