The Idolatry of the Modern Church

Paul writes to the Corinthian church, admonishing the congregation toward unity through maturity. Leading into this pericope, Paul expounded on Christian liberty and responsibility—referring to himself as a voluntary slave to all people and admonishing the local church to relate to those who are of the world for the sake of the Gospel. Further, Paul... Continue Reading →

The March For Our Lives- Thinking Well?

Welcome to the class that you skipped. Today's lesson: Hasty generalization (the assumption that all conservatives or liberals are a certain way) and ad hominem attacks (attacking someone’s character instead of addressing the validity of their argument). I saw these things over the last few days, in your absence, as proponents and opponents of the... Continue Reading →

Should Christians get involved in drama?

Everywhere we look, others are living out personal dramas that envelop them in cocoon of emotion. The drama in others’ lives seems so prevalent that, at times, it almost defines who they are and they seem to judge us according to how we interact with the events contained within that personal drama. No matter how... Continue Reading →

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