Daily Devotional: Romans 2:17-29

Paul is writing to the unincorporated in Rome—largely a gentile audience. There are apparently Jews there. Here, her explains that Jews are not true Jews if they transgress the Law. Further, Gentiles who keep the Law without having it are true Jews—the people of God. Paul gives us a clue as to the nature of... Continue Reading →

According to Jesus, The Kingdom of Heaven is a Gift- Not The Result of Human Religion or Righteousness

We have finished our current study of the previous section of Jesus’ sermon on the mount and are entering into Jesus’ closing application and final remarks. This section of Jesus’ sermon (7:7-29) follows the same overarching theme of the previous part of the sermon. Jesus has: https://youtu.be/H7Wm_eCENro addressed his intended audience (5:1-12),declared His commitment to... Continue Reading →

Dear Leader, part 18 (Dangers of Self-Will and Prohibition)

This exercise is a continuation of a series we started at Grace with our leadership while I served as interim there. For those who are not pastors or deacons, but who lead in some capacity in any arena of life, these books are a tremendous resource in Scripture. I encourage all of those who would... Continue Reading →

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