Why Did Jesus Receive the Baptism of Repentance From John?

Last week, we started this section of Matthew’s Gospel that we are referring to as the prelude to Jesus’ preaching ministry. John the Baptist taught some very significant things concerning the kingdom of heaven, which was at hand. As he is teaching, Jesus comes to be baptized by him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2wB14MYLyw&feature=youtu.be Matthew 3:13-17 Then Jesus arrived... Continue Reading →

What If The State Removes Our Religious Freedom?

Submit your questions on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or by using the contact form on this blog. If our religious freedoms are taken in the United States in our day, they will be taken under the guise of ending discrimination, which even most religious people would say is a noble agenda. After all, we are now... Continue Reading →

Dear Leader, part 19 (Christ On Display Through Sound Doctrine)

This exercise is a continuation of a series we started at Grace with our leadership while I served as interim there. For those who are not pastors or deacons, but who lead in some capacity in any arena of life, these books are a tremendous resource in Scripture. I encourage all of those who would... Continue Reading →

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