Against Arrogance

Paul has been writing to admonish the local church toward maturity, which leads to unity. To this end, the church body is to regard her elders as servants of Christ set apart for their labor in the Lord, and the elders are to regard the church body as holy and worthy of their service for... Continue Reading →

Didache- Reformed Doctrine 1,400 Years Before Luther or Calvin

Didache 3-4 In chapter 2, the author(s), either the apostles or the apostolic fathers, gives a practical list of first things. These first things were actions or restrictions that summarize the Law. We saw that they were a proper representation of the Law as we compared them to the Biblical account. They are meant to... Continue Reading →

Is Tradition Authoritative for the Church?

Submit your questions using the contact form on this site, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Many churches, denominations, and entire religious systems elevate tradition as authoritative. This is one of the disagreements that separates the Roman and Protestant churches. The fact of the matter is, Scripture explicitly instructs followers of Jesus to hold to... Continue Reading →

Proclaim 2019- Session 2- Teaching

One of the easiest things for teachers to do is rush to prepare. We can easily fail to put the time needed into knowing before teaching. The result is that we misrepresent God’s word. God’s word is far too important to present flippantly. Preparation is the difficult and time consuming part of this process. Today,... Continue Reading →

Jesus Instructed Us To Stay Salty

Jesus is sitting on the side of this mountain teaching His disciples in view of many other people. He has introduced this “Sermon on the Mount” by declaring blessing to the oppressed, poor, and downtrodden. In this section, Jesus begins the instructive portion of the sermon. He is explicitly addressing His disciples (v. 1), those... Continue Reading →

Many Are Listening and Criticizing, what is the response of the teacher?

I love the teaching of John Macarthur. I respect him highly as an expositor. I am thankful for his ministry. In the same way, I respect men like Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, and others of that stature. They have done much in the way of honest Biblical theology and of paving the way for Christ-centered... Continue Reading →

Is Doctrine Actually Important?

Submit your questions using the contact form, on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Doctrine is an explanation of what a specific group believes. Biblically speaking, doctrine is the most important thing to consider when evaluating a church (or a denomination or any religious faith). In 1 Timothy 6:3-5, Paul sends his student some very important words... Continue Reading →

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