On Leaving the Ministry

In 2007, the Francis A. Schaeffer Institute of Church Leadership Development (FASICLD)reported that “Of the one thousand fifty (1,050 or 100%) pastors we surveyed, every one of them had a close associate or seminary buddy who had left the ministry because of burnout, conflict in their church, or from a moral failure.”[1] I am currently... Continue Reading →

Self Sufficiency, Stewardship and the Gospel

Consider these words, written by King Solomon in Proverbs, chapter 12 and verse 27, “A lazy man doesn’t roast his game, but to a diligent man, his wealth is precious.”[1] These words imply that a lazy man chooses not to provide for himself, wastes resources and acts without purpose while a man who is not... Continue Reading →

I’m Disappointed in how Christians Relate to Politics.

Recently, I wrote a briefly about a concern I had regarding a defense of the Second Amendment as a right to civilian ownership of firearms.[1] I received several messages and emails regarding conversation about the second amendment. What I did not receive, that I hoped to, were comments regarding matters of our Lord, Jesus Christ,... Continue Reading →

Rational and Irrational (thinking atheist?)

If there ever was a point at which nothing existed, then there is nothing to truly learn and education is irrelevant. This is why all intellectuals must believe in some sort of eternity; else they are living contradictions. A vast intellectual community in these modern times seems to hold fast to the idea that nothing... Continue Reading →

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