Tobit- Moral Living in an Immoral or Amoral Society

Chapter 1 v. 10-22 Tobit continues to describe his own piety. According to the author’s quotation, here, Tobit kept the Jewish dietary laws and even buried his countrymen who were slain under Sennacherib. Here, we must remind ourselves that Tobit’s character is doing something that is dishonoring to God and something that Jesus exposed as... Continue Reading →

Tobit- Righteous in His Own Eyes

Tobit 1 v. 3-9 Tobit’s monologue in 1:3-3:1, reveals much about what 3rd Century B.C. Jews valued. These values would remain into and through the 1st Century A.D, during Jesus’ physical ministry on this earth. During His ministry, Jesus would address many of the things that became popular in the religious teaching of the Jews.... Continue Reading →

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