Welcome to Babel–Grace in Wrath

Following God’s twofold promise, (1) to never destroy or curse the earth and (2) to never again flood the earth, Canaan is cursed and Shem and Japheth are blessed. In Chapter 10, Noah’s children have children who have children. In the third generation, nations have formed according to different languages and families. A man named... Continue Reading →

Going to Church: Worthless?

Paul is admonishing the local church at Corinth toward unity through maturity in the faith. He is presently addressing the local church’s idolatry of the spiritual gifts. He does not discredit the spiritual gifts, but has instead stated that there is a better way than merely seeking after the spiritual gifts (12:31). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIY9JuPpKdY&t=44s As we... Continue Reading →

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