Project Gospel

Over the course of the last year, I have been honored by several people abroad who have asked me to come speak at pastor’s conferences and local churches—from India to Kenya to Pakistan. Each time I had to decline because I have a local church here in the United States I get to invest my time and energy into. Because of the number of requests I have received and the unmet need around the world, I am starting Project Gospel. I will utilize the latest technology to remotely share the Gospel with communities around the world and invest in their leadership—equipping and encouraging native pastors to do missionary work in their own communities (something my ministry is already dedicated to do). While we recognize the value of sending missionaries, we also recognize the surpassing value of training, commissioning, and sending natives as much as possible.

Project Gospel is a webinar series that utilizes technology that is more accessible than food in many regions in order to further the mission of Christoa Ministries and the church at large.

Gospel Proclamation

Project Gospel meetings will, first and foremost, be evangelistic. I will share the Gospel and encourage believers. Gospel proclamation is paramount to the work we do as Christians hoping to advance the kingdom of Christ on this earth. The Gospel is the message through which we will see peace and justice continue to overtake the earth—exalting Jesus Christ and glorifying the Father. Believers and unbelievers alike need to hear the Gospel again and again. I have encountered, to a great degree, believers worldwide who have accepted a version of the prosperity or social Gospel. More have accepted Christ verbally but still worship idols like security and acceptance—fleeing back to Islam because their lives are threatened. Joining such a violent people out of fear will not end the violence. The Gospel will. Through Gospel proclamation, we stand with Christ and with Christians worldwide who desire to see an end to the persecution in their regions of the world but are willing to endure for Christ’s name sake. God-willing, we will advance Christ’s kingdom of peace and forgiveness as we stand with our brothers and sisters worldwide who are fighting for the cause of Christ. The more people come to Christ and follow Him, the more the world is sanctified and renewed because people are converting from the religions of people to the way of peace and life.

Leadership Training

We are already resourcing believers and church leaders through the blog at After each Gospel meeting, we will invite church leadership to remain after everyone else is dismissed in order to encourage and equip them as much as possible. We want to empower the elders and deacons of each local church for Gospel work. Gospel proclamation is great, but if we leave without being sure local leadership is properly equipped, we are not investing in the congregation for the long-term. Short-term mission trips face the same sorts of problems—conversion without sanctification and encouragement. Leadership training means resourcing and ensuring continued Gospel work in the region.


For security purposes, each registrant will have to be approved by the host of the each Project Gospel meeting. The general audience will not be visible. We will take every precaution while sharing Christ in regions of the world where Christians endanger themselves and their communities by showing their faces. Attendees will be able to ask question anonymously. We will only announce location by country.

We want to invite as many people as possible to participate in each meeting from all over the world, experience other cultures, hear the Gospel, and worship with Christians around the world. 

Get Involved

Normally, we expect evangelists and missionaries to ask for money from their audiences so they can make a living. I am doing the opposite. All donations received during these events will be divided between the congregation I am speaking to and the host church. If there is excess, donations will be used for other areas of ministry. There are a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Donate;
  2. Register for and attend Project Gospel meetings;
    1. There is a limited capacity,
    2. Gather your local church to attend Project Gospel,
    3. Get your local church directly involved in missions rather than merely sending money to faceless people,
    4. Non-Christians are welcome. We want you to hear the Gospel of peace and grace, too.
  3. Ask about sharing your testimony, leading a worship song at a Project Gospel meeting, or becoming a panelist;
  4. Ask about facilitating a Project Gospel meeting for your church or small group anywhere in the world.
    1. Each meeting is catered to the specific needs of each group,
    2. You don’t have to be a church to facilitate a meeting,
    3. Host others at your home or online only.

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