Behold American Independence: Explained

When we decide to share thoughts, we seem to have two options. The first is uncreative and many times uninspiring. It is a simple relay of information from one person to another for informational purposes. The second is creative and hopes to inspire thought. It is an oration (or a potential oration) that people will... Continue Reading →

Behold American Independence

"Independence Day is nigh! It is the day that we celebrate the American colonies winning independence from Britain, and we assume to still have such independence, but there is distaste. What was honey to the lips might turn sour as it enters the stomach. Behold American Independence that provides its people with welfare and healthcare... Continue Reading →

Is American independence a thing of the past?

When any holiday comes around, I try to reflect on the reason we celebrate that holiday. On July 2nd, 1776, representatives from the 13 colonies voted to declare their independence and two days later, on July 4th, the Declaration of Independence was signed. It is on this day that the 13 colonies formally cut their... Continue Reading →

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