Another School Shooting: I think we’ve missed the mark

Yesterday there was yet another shooting in another school. Today there is yet another debate on gun control. The left wants more regulation and the right wants more freedom; whatever that means. If I thought for one second that public school violence could be solved with one debate over one issue, I may not be... Continue Reading →

God’s Not Dead 2 and the rights of Public Schools

I recently read an article about how, in Portland, the school district banned a certain genre of music because it wanted to keep students from lyrics that contained religious teaching and lyrics that were violent. In response, I want to address the issue of religious teaching in our schools. I remember watching “God’s not dead 2”... Continue Reading →

Are You a Faker?

One of the greatest challenges in our society is the challenge to be real, and with all of its different contexts this challenge is probably the most agreed upon challenge presented to us within pop-culture. Many politicians urge their constituents to support them genuinely all the while pushing their own agendas rather than representing those... Continue Reading →

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