What is the Christian Faith? Part 4

            “I can love God and not go to church!” This is a statement I hear quite often. There are people who claim to love God and who claim to belong to God, but do not serve others, specifically in a local church context. We say often that we love God and love people, but... Continue Reading →

What is the Christian Faith? Part 3

Today I want to do some trivia. Below you will find a statement that is sometimes taught as coming from Scripture and we are going to find out whether or not the statement actually represents Scripture well. __________________ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDiNCSk_wcU __________________ “God helps those who help themselves.” This is actually from Aesop’s Fable, “Hercules and the... Continue Reading →

What is the Christian Faith? Part 2

Last year, 2015, a man named David Fitzgerald recounted his experience in an interview. As a ‘christian’ and a Southern Baptist, he remembered going around judging whether or not people were saved. He revealed that he felt responsible to gauge whether or not people would spend their eternity in either heaven or hell. He became... Continue Reading →

What is the Christian Faith Part 1

In my reading this week, I stumbled across an article about one man who was a ‘Christian,’ but had several experiences that led him to reject the faith (and all religious faiths except for materialistic atheism).[1] He shared how he came to ‘know Christ.’ He was raised in church and committed his life to Christ... Continue Reading →

Is Christian Faith Worth It?

People don’t often want to invest themselves into something that is not worth it. This month, I’ve been writing about what the Christian faith actually is. Together, we’ve discovered that it is faith specifically in the person of Christ and that it is a faith of acceptance, honesty, truth, forgiveness, rock you to the core... Continue Reading →

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