Dear Leader, part 10 (Biblical Honesty About Ministerial Depression)

This exercise is a continuation of a series we started at Grace with our leadership while I served as interim there. For those who are not pastors or deacons, but who lead in some capacity in any arena of life, these books are a tremendous resource in Scripture. I encourage all of those who would... Continue Reading →

Dear Leader, part 9 (Sound Doctrine, Nitpicking Words)

This exercise is a continuation of a series we started at Grace with our leadership while I served as interim there. For those who are not pastors or deacons, but who lead in some capacity in any arena of life, these books are a tremendous resource in Scripture. I encourage all of those who would... Continue Reading →

Dear Leader, part 8 (Accusations Against Pastors, Depression)

This exercise is a continuation of a series we started at Grace with our leadership while I served as interim there. For those who are not pastors or deacons, but who lead in some capacity in any arena of life, these books are a tremendous resource in Scripture. I encourage all of those who would... Continue Reading →

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