Daily Devotional: Romans 15:1-7

In his application of the doctrine of justification by grace through faith alone, Paul continues to prescribe how those who are strong in the faith ought to relate to those who are weak in the faith. Those who are strong, those who don’t feel they have to abstain from food or drink or consider one... Continue Reading →

Weak Consciences and Christian Liberty

Paul is writing to exhort the church at Corinth toward unity. According to Paul, unity comes through maturity. Paul has provided the basis for his next exhortation, knowledge makes arrogant but love edifies. Paul now answers a question that was likely asked of him in a previous letter from Corinth: Is it a sin to... Continue Reading →

Drinking is a sin… At least, in America…

There is no scriptural reference that explicitly states that drinking is wrong. In fact, in the recent research that I have done, it seems as though American Christianity was the first branch of Christianity that has referred to the act of drinking as a sin, and it has done so outrightly. I found this interesting.... Continue Reading →

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