Daily Devotional: Romans 15:1-7

In his application of the doctrine of justification by grace through faith alone, Paul continues to prescribe how those who are strong in the faith ought to relate to those who are weak in the faith. Those who are strong, those who don’t feel they have to abstain from food or drink or consider one... Continue Reading →

Daily Devotional: Romans 13:1-6

After Paul applies monergistic doctrine to the lives of people—insisting that Christians always consider others to be more important than themselves, do not seek retribution, but love and serve even their enemies, I’m sure there are some questions. There are questions when I teach those principles in our own day. What about justice? Are we... Continue Reading →

Weak Consciences and Christian Liberty

Paul is writing to exhort the church at Corinth toward unity. According to Paul, unity comes through maturity. Paul has provided the basis for his next exhortation, knowledge makes arrogant but love edifies. Paul now answers a question that was likely asked of him in a previous letter from Corinth: Is it a sin to... Continue Reading →

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Submit your questions on this blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Tumblr. My favorite legend about Santa Clause originated in AD 325. In that year, there was a man named Arius. Arius defined the Trinity in such a way that the Son, Jesus Christ, was inferior to the Father, created by the Father, and created... Continue Reading →

Is Christian Morality Behind the Times?

In Luke’s gospel, we discovered that the goal of discipleship is repentance and that God calls His people into humility. Because Christ calls us into repentance, there are many people who simply won’t become genuine Christ followers. I hear things like, “I would have to give up too much to follow Christ,” “Religious rules are... Continue Reading →

Pride (something deeper than sexuality)

            Over the last forty-eight hours I have seen more pride than I can manage. I am not speaking of the LGBT community or the recent Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states. Chances are, most of those reading this know exactly where I stand on the moral issue of sexuality.... Continue Reading →

Control-Freaks (Outline Only)

Share a story about a control-freak that you know! (please don’t mention their name). Opening questions Are there churches that work against God? o   What sort of churches might these be? Are there people who claim to be God’s people, but are actually God’s enemies? o   What sort of people might these be? Mark 12:1-12... Continue Reading →

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