What About Human Responsibility?

Jesus has so far affirmed Pharisee soteriology. God first loves an individual. In response to God’s love, the individual cares to keep God’s Law. If a person keeps God’s Law, that person is righteous. God’s love is what brought the person into righteousness (i.e. saved the person). When the person kept the Law, that was... Continue Reading →

Jesus as Prophet and The Personal Salvation Debate Among Jews in the First Century

In these notes, I first show the point of John 3:1-2 by offering a biblical apologetic for Jesus as having the authority of a prophet to reveal new revelation. Then, I explore the theological environment of First Century Judea in order to provide historical context for Jesus's conversation with Nicodemus. It is no surprise that... Continue Reading →

On Salvation and Reprobation

From the debates between Paul and the Gnostics through the ancient dialogue between Augustine and Pelagius to the exchanges between Luther and Erasmus or Calvin’s disciples and those of Arminius to the more modern upheaval between the New Calvinists and Free Willists, the doctrine of election has dominated Christian discussion. Election is the doctrine that... Continue Reading →

Unspiritual Spiritual Gifts- Exodus 31:1-11

After God instructed Israel to craft all of the specialty, custom items for the tent of meeting, He reveals that He has gifted certain individuals by His Spirit for the purpose of crafting these pieces artistically. God takes the credit for gifting His people for craftsmanship according to His own plans for the production of... Continue Reading →

The Sabbath Is For Man- Exodus 20:8-11

https://feeds.castos.com/nxp3 God instructs Israel to honor the Sabbath day by keeping it holy—setting it apart. The seventh day, Saturday, was to be a day of rest from labor. Toil was to be done in six days. On Saturday, the people were not to work themselves, anyone, or anything else. They were to rest. God rested... Continue Reading →

Do Not Take God’s Name in Vain- Exodus 20:7 (Daily Devotional)

https://feeds.castos.com/nxp3 God instructs Israel not to take His name, Yahweh, in vain. The Hebrew word translated as “take,” here ((נסא, means to raise up, exalt, or carry—literally covering every way in which God’s name can be taken—merely spoken, used in praise, or carried as the name of a people (e.g. Israel, Christian). To do anything... Continue Reading →

Encouragement for Those Who Have Been Betrayed

https://feeds.castos.com/733p8 Betrayal comes in many forms on this earth. Betrayal can come even from people with good intentions. You’ve heard the old adage, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” Betrayal hurts. People we feel should support us shoot us down or stab us in the back. Unfortunately, betrayal is still a part... Continue Reading →

Daily Devotional- Exodus 20:4-6

https://feeds.castos.com/nxp3 Along with having no other gods besides Yahweh, Israel is not to make any idols. Of course, if the people obey the first commandment and worship only Yahweh, they would not make idols anyway. Toys, statues, and images are not always idols. What makes these items idols is our service to them as if... Continue Reading →

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