Unspiritual Spiritual Gifts- Exodus 31:1-11

After God instructed Israel to craft all of the specialty, custom items for the tent of meeting, He reveals that He has gifted certain individuals by His Spirit for the purpose of crafting these pieces artistically. God takes the credit for gifting His people for craftsmanship according to His own plans for the production of His own things. People knew they were gifted by the Spirit to do something because they were really good at it.

People who love God often wonder what their spiritual gifts are or what God’s plan is for them on this earth. In reality, it’s not so difficult to figure it out. Find something you love doing and are really good at. That is the thing God has gifted you to do for Him—even craftsmanship according to this pericope. These individuals were not called to preach. In fact, they weren’t called to do anything that really seemed that spiritual. They were called and gifted by the Spirit to craft things well. Most people, I think, will bear some spiritual gift that doesn’t seem all that spiritual from a worldly perspective; but God treasures craftsmanship. Do what you love. Do it well. Treat others fairly. Do all things to the glory of God.

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